Food Sensitivity Testing

Are you curious if you have food sensitivities? Do you have symptoms you think may be related to eating certain foods?

Food sensitivities impact more than 100 million people worldwide and can account for a range of symptoms and chronic illnesses.

We use a patented, multi-pathway delayed food sensitivity test that measures both IgG and Immune complexes. With this test, we measure the most common food-related pathways.

Measuring 176 different foods, it also tests for inflammation and leaky gut, with a zonulin assay.

Adhering to an elimination diet based on the test will most often result in reduced symptoms that you are experiencing.

  • Food sensitivity testing can help with any symptoms! It identifies foods that are causing an immune response in the body, and if there is leaky gut. These issues will impact digestive, mental health, immune, and any other inflammatory process.

  • The test is a simple finger prick, or blood spot that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Once we decide upon the test, it will be sent to you.

  • We will go over the results at your next scheduled visit. If you would like the results delivered to your phone ahead of time, there is an iphone app you can get to receive them.

If you think you may benefit from food sensitivity testing, we can discuss this option at your initial visit. Additionally, I may recommend the test during the visit or as part of the treatment recommendations. I have found that identifying inflammatory markers in the gut is often helpful for addressing a wide variety of health conditions. Understanding your unique needs will help determine what is right for you.

Schedule a complimentary introductory call here: